7 IN ONE浓缩-每箱4加仑

One Step Concentrated Disinfectant
Item #128455

7 IN ONE浓缩-每箱4加仑

One Step Concentrated Disinfectant
Item #128455

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  • 浓缩季铵盐消毒剂
  • 7合一清洁剂,杀菌剂,防霉剂,杀菌剂, deodorizer and bactericidal
  • Fragrance-free
  • 66 claims including SARS-CoV-2

Product Description

  • 7合一浓缩液是您工厂所有区域的理想解决方案. 该产品可杀死导致COVID-19的SARS-COV-2. It is an effective cleaner, sanitizer, fungicide, mildewstat, virucide, deodorizer and bactericidal. 将此浓缩溶液与State One solution tm稀释系统一起使用, accurate and automated mixing.
    This versatile product has the ability to disinfect hard surfaces as well as sanitize soft surfaces. 也可以用来消毒食物接触面和非食物接触面吗.
    硬表面包括高接触表面, such as light switches, handrails, doorknobs, faucets, counters and bathroom fixtures.
    7 in One浓缩液是一种具有成本效益的消毒剂,将有利于任何细分市场. 这种多用途溶液可以清洁和消毒各种坚硬的表面, 对柔软的表面和食物接触的表面进行消毒.
    It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. 使用前,请参阅产品标签,了解所有用途、程序和使用说明.
    General Disinfection: 2 oz. per gallon of water. 允许表面在标签上列出的规定时间内保持湿润.
    Food Contact Sanitizing: 2 oz. per 4 gallons of water. 允许表面在标签上列出的规定时间内保持湿润.
    APPEARANCE: clear, colorless
    ODOR: unfragranced
    pH: 12.75
    辛癸基二甲基氯化铵(1.65%); Dioctyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (0.66%); Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (0.99%); Alkyl (C14, 50%; C12, 40%; C16, 10%) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (2.20%)
  • SARS-CoV-2
  • MRSA
  • HIV-1
  • Influenza A
  • E.Coli
  • VISA
  • Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 & 2
  • and more!

Directions for Use

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
在联邦检查的肉类和家禽食品加工厂和奶牛场使用前, 食品和包装材料必须搬离房间或小心保护.
Add mix 2 oz. per gallon of water.
Use 8 oz. 可以杀死5型和7型腺病毒.
Use 32 oz. 能杀死猫泛白细胞减少症病毒.
DISINFECTION / VIRUCIDAL* / FUNGICIDAL / MOLD AND MILDEW CONTROL DIRECTIONS: Apply use-solution to hard, non-porous surfaces, thoroughly wetting the surfaces, with a cloth, mop, sponge, sprayer or by immersion. 处理过的表面必须保持明显湿润10分钟. 对于SARS-CoV-2,处理过的表面必须保持明显湿润3分钟. 针对甲型流感病毒和人类冠状病毒, 处理过的表面必须保持明显湿润1分钟. 用抹布、海绵或拖把擦干,或自然风干. 对于明显被污染的区域,需要进行初步清洁.
对于喷雾器应用,使用粗喷装置. Spray 6 - 8 inches from surface. Avoid breathing spray.
For fungicidal activity, 7 in One Concentrate is an effective fungicide against Trichophyton mentagrophytes (the athlete’s foot fungus) in areas such as locker rooms, dressing rooms, 淋浴和洗浴区以及锻炼设施. Dilute at 2 oz. 每加仑水,并让表面保持明显湿润10分钟.
For mold and mildew At 2 oz. per gallon, 7 in One Concentrate will effectively inhibit the growth of mold and mildew and the odors caused by them when applied to hard, non-porous surfaces. Follow disinfection instructions. 每7天重复一次治疗,如果出现新的生长,可以更频繁地进行治疗.
冲洗所有与食物接触的表面,如台面, appliances, 桌子和灶台在重复使用前用饮用水. 不要用在器皿、玻璃器皿和盘子上作为消毒剂.
使用-稀释的杀菌稳定性:测试证实7合一浓缩液, 在水中稀释时硬度可达200ppm, 对铜绿假单胞菌有效, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica for up to 7 days when stored in a sealed container such as a spray bottle. 如果产品明显变脏或被污染, 使用稀释剂必须丢弃,并配制新鲜产品. 稀释本产品时,请务必使用干净、贴有适当标签的容器. Bactericidal stability of the use-dilution does not apply to open containers such as buckets or pails.
This product is not to be used as a terminal sterilant / high level disinfectant on any surface or instrument that is introduced directly into the human body, 进入或接触血液或身体正常无菌区域的, or contacts intact mucous membranes but which does not ordinarily penetrate the blood barrier or otherwise enter normally sterile areas of the body.
*KILLS HIV AND HBV AND HCV ON PRE-CLEANED ENVIRONMENTAL SURFACES / OBJECTS PREVIOUSLY SOILED WITH BLOOD / BODY FLUIDS in health care settings or other settings in which there is an expected likelihood of soiling of inanimate surfaces / objects with blood or body fluids, and in which the surfaces / objects likely to be soiled with blood or body fluids can be associated with the potential for transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 or Hepatitis B Virus or Hepatitis C Virus.
Special Instructions for Cleaning and Decontamination against HIV-1 or HBV or HCV on Surfaces / Objects Soiled With Blood / Body Fluids.
个人防护:清洁时必须戴上防护手套, gowns, masks and eye protection.
Cleaning Procedure: Blood and other body fluids containing HIV-1 or HBV or HCV must be thoroughly cleaned from surfaces and objects before application of 7 in One Concentrate.
Contact Time: Leave surface wet for 1 minute for HIV-1 and 10 minutes for HBV and HCV with a 2 oz. per gallon use-solution. Use 8 oz. 可以杀死5型和7型腺病毒. Use a 10-minute contact time for disinfection against all other viruses, bacteria and fungi claimed.
传染性物质的处理:血液, body fluids, cleaning materials and clothing must be autoclaved and disposed of according to local regulations for infectious waste disposal.
NON-ACID TOILET BOWL AND URINAL DISINFECTANT / CLEANER DIRECTIONS: Remove visible filth prior to disinfection. From Concentrate: Add 2 oz. to the bowl. 用布、拖把或海绵彻底刷或擦洗暴露的表面和边缘下面. 静置10分钟后冲洗. 从使用溶液:清空马桶或小便池,并使用2盎司. per gallon use-solution to exposed surfaces and under the rim with a cloth, mop, sponge or sprayer. 彻底刷或擦洗,静置10分钟后冲洗.
VETERINARY PRACTICE FACILITIES / ANIMAL CARE FACILITIES / ANIMAL LABORATORY FACILITIES / ZOOS / PET SHOPS / KENNELS DISINFECTION / VIRUCIDAL* DIRECTIONS: For cleaning and disinfecting hard, 无孔表面:用于喂养或浇灌动物的设备, utensils, instruments, cages, kennels, stables, catteries, pens, stalls and etc. 将所有动物和饲料从场所移走, animal transportation vehicles, crates, pens, stalls and etc. Remove all litter, droppings and manure from floors, 动物占据或穿过的设施的墙壁和表面. 清空所有喂食和浇水设备. 用肥皂或清洁剂彻底清洁所有表面,然后用水冲洗. 用2盎司的使用溶液使表面饱和. 每加仑水中含有7个浓缩物,持续10分钟. Use 8 oz. 可以杀死5型和7型腺病毒. Use 32 oz. 能杀死猫泛白细胞减少症病毒. 对于小鼠诺如病毒,必须用去离子水稀释. Wipe or allow to air dry. Immerse all halters, ropes, 以及其他用于处理和约束动物的设备以及叉子, shovels, 刮刀用来清除垃圾和粪便. 彻底擦洗所有处理过的表面, 然后冲洗所有与食物接触的表面, 包括用于喂食或浇水的设备, with potable water before reuse. 给建筑物、动物围场、车辆和其他封闭空间通风. 在治疗被吸收、定型或干燥之前,不要饲养动物或使用设备.
Add 2 oz. 每4加仑水中含有7个浓缩物,用于消毒坚硬、无孔的表面. 处理过的表面必须保持明显湿润60秒. 用海绵、拖把或布擦干,或让其自然风干.
For Food Contact Surfaces, 食品加工设备及用具, Dairies, 公众饮食场所及食物加工厂
使用7合一浓缩液消毒, 食品加工设备的无孔表面, dairy equipment, food utensils, dishes, silverware, glasses, sink tops, countertops, 冷藏储存和展示设备及其他坚硬表面.
Prior to application, 通过预冲洗去除可见的食物颗粒和土壤, or pre-scrape and, when necessary, pre-soak. Then thoroughly wash or flush objects with a good detergent or compatible cleaner followed by a potable water rinse before application of the sanitizing solution.
Apply a use-solution of 1 oz. per 2 – 1-1/3 gallons of water to pre-cleaned hard surfaces thoroughly wetting surfaces with a cloth, mop, sponge, coarse sprayer or by immersion. Surfaces must remain visibly wet for at least 60 seconds [one minute] followed by adequate draining and air drying. Do not rinse. 每次使用时准备新鲜的溶液. For mechanical application, use- solution may not be reused for sanitizing applications but may be reused for other purposes such as cleaning.
Apply to sink tops, countertops, 冷藏储存和展示设备等固定硬, non-porous surfaces by cloth, sponge or brush or coarse spray.
Sanitize dishes, silverware, glasses, 蒸煮器具及其他类似大小的浸渍食品加工设备.
7 in One浓缩液可以按照美国的规定使用.S. 公共卫生服务食品服务卫生建议.
U.S. 公共卫生服务食品服务卫生建议
CLEANING AND SANITIZING: Equipment and utensils shall be thoroughly pre-flushed or pre-scraped and when necessary, 预先浸泡以去除可见的食物颗粒和土壤.
1. 在热洗涤剂溶液中彻底清洗设备和器具.
2. 用清水彻底冲洗器具和设备.
3. 用1盎司的使用液浸泡消毒设备和器具. 在75华氏度的温度下,每2 - 1-1/3加仑的水浸泡至少60秒.
4. 对于太大而无法浸泡消毒的设备和器具,请使用1盎司的使用液. 每2 - 1-1/3加仑的水通过冲洗,喷洒或擦洗,直到完全湿润.
5. 让消毒过的表面排干并风干. Do not rinse.
1. 尽可能刮擦和预洗器皿和玻璃杯.
2. 用好的洗涤剂或相容的清洁剂清洗.
3. Rinse with potable water.
4. Sanitize in a use-solution of 1 oz. 每2 - 1-1/3加仑水稀释. Immerse all utensils for at least two minutes or for contact time specified by governing sanitary code.
5. 将消毒过的餐具放在架子或排水板上风干.
6. 至少每天准备一份新鲜的消毒溶液,或者当明显被污染或稀释时.
NOTE: A clean potable water rinse following sanitization is not permitted under Section HFS 196, Appendix 7-204.威斯康星州行政法典第11条(参考CFR 180).940 (a)).
柔软表面消毒:仅适用于斑点处理. Add 2 oz. per gallon of water. Apply use solution with a sprayer. 保持瓶距表面6 - 8英寸,喷至织物湿. 织物必须保持明显湿润5分钟. 让织物自然风干,可见的脏地方必须在消毒前清洗.
TO CLEAN AND DEODORIZE: Mix 2 oz. 每加仑水用于清洁和除臭表面. 使用抹布、拖把、海绵或喷雾器涂抹. Wipe or allow to air dry.
Cleaning Solution: Dilute 2 - 4 oz. 每加仑清洗厨房柜台的水, tables, walls, bathrooms, toilet seats, 拖地和大型日常应用.
除臭说明:养老院,医院,酒店,学校,餐馆:2 - 4盎司. in chemical toilets, waste receptacles, bed pans, drainage bottles, diaper pails, hampers, disposals, 马桶和空调锅可以消除异味.
拖地溶液,自动洗涤器:2 - 4盎司. 每加仑清洗液可消除不良气味.
Laundry: 2 oz. 在最后的冲洗周期中,每增加一次负荷,就能除臭所有难闻的气味.
Air Freshener/Automotive Uses: 8 ounces per gallon of water or desired concentration will effectively neutralize damp musty odors caused by mildew in storage areas, basements, closets and bathrooms. 有效去除烟熏及烹饪气味. 烟草产生的汽车气味、地毯霉味和饮料气味将被消除.
房车储罐:厕所废物:用水覆盖储罐底部,并添加2 - 4盎司. 如果气味在排空前返回,只需添加2 - 4盎司. to the tank. Kitchen waste: 2 - 4 oz. of 7 in One Concentrate to gray water tank as needed to control malodors created by dirty dish water.
Pet Odors: Use 8 - 12 oz. per gallon of water or desired concentration, for urine, feces, and vomit, in carpet and upholstery. 使用前清洁,然后喷洒在受影响的区域. Test hidden area for colorfastness. Allow 10 minutes contact time. Then blot with clean cloth. Allow to dry. 对宠物床上用品和猫砂盒也有效.
Carpets, 地毯垫和其他多孔材料,如底层地板, Drywall, Concrete, Brick, Trim and Frame Lumber, 无胶粘带和镶板:用于清洁水源的水损坏, extract excess water. Test hidden area for colorfastness. Dilute 2 – 4 oz. 每加仑水中浓缩物的浓度, 考虑到饱和材料中吸收的水的稀释作用. Remove visible filth or heavy soil. 用粗喷装置使所有受影响的区域饱和. Roll, brush or agitate into the materials and allow materials to remain visibly wet for 10 minutes. Follow with a thorough extraction. Dry rapidly and thoroughly.
3 Tested in deionized water
Special instructions For Cleaning Carpet against Odor Causing Bacteria: Use this product in [industrial and institutional] areas such as [homes], motels, hotels, nursing homes, schools, and hospitals. 适用于可湿洗的合成纤维. Do not use on wool. 清洁地毯前要用吸尘器彻底吸尘. Test fabric for colorfastness. 便携式提取装置:混合2盎司. of concentrate per gallon of water. 用于卡车安装的萃取机:混合2 - 4盎司. 浓缩物每加仑水的浓度以每小时4加仑计. For rotary floor machines: Mix 2 oz. 浓度为每加仑水300 - 500平方. ft. per gallon. 不要将本产品与其他清洁产品混合使用. 遵循清洁设备制造商指定的清洁程序. After using the product, 把地毯堆好,晾干时保护地毯不受家具腿和底座的伤害. Do not over-wet. 适用于耐污尼龙地毯, 根据制造商的说明使用织物保护器.

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