


Foul odors wafting up from your grease trap don’t exactly exclaim, “Eat at my restaurant!” They don’t necessarily say, “Go to my school,” “Visit my hotel,” or “Work at my facility” either. So, you want to treat these odors—both for your own sanity 和 for the sake of your customers. But you have other priorities, other issues, other day-to-day functions to deal with. You don’t have the time for a drawn-out ordeal; where do you even begin?

State Chemical has been selling 和 servicing grease trap maintainers for decades, including Bac或行, Grease-B-Gone, 生态排水管道维护器; D-Stroy, 和 PrimeZyme. We underst和 that your mindset toward your grease trap might be “out of sight, “忘了”,直到一个问题突然出现, 和 it’s hard to figure out what you need when you’re suddenly scrambling for solutions.

We’ve written this article to explain everything you need to know about treating your grease trap odors. 在阅读, you’ll be ready to make a well-informed decision about what your grease trap needs in order to get back into prime condition.


  • 为什么我的隔油池有味道?
  • 怎样处理隔油池的气味?
  • 如果我不处理我的隔油池会发生什么?
  • 一个健康的隔油池应该是什么样的?


The job of a grease trap is to collect items going down your sink that you don’t want in your drain lines. 例如, 如果你经营一家快餐店, you probably can’t stop food particles 和 grease from going down your drains to some extent. 这就是隔油器的作用,它限制了 脂肪、油和润滑脂 和 other items that go down your drain so that your water can keep flowing.

如果你的隔油器有味道,那是因为它收集的东西有味道. 特别是如果你在食品行业工作,这些项目很可能是FOGs. 当你的隔油池里有油脂或奶制品时, 过一段时间它们就会开始腐烂, 尤其是当更多的食物融合在一起时, 这个问题只会变得更糟.

类似的, if you’re in, say, an art facility, you could be dealing with odors in another form. 粘土, 木屑, 油漆, or other items will also begin to smell as they sit 和 take on water in your grease trap.

Essentially everything that goes down your drain contributes to buildup, 和 organics create odors. 那么,你能做些什么呢? 泵送和化学维护是答案.


为了使隔油池正常工作,必须对其进行维护. 如果你不维护它们, 你不仅要冒着难闻气味的风险,还要冒备份的风险, 木底鞋, 甚至腐烂的管道. 那么,如何保养隔油池来控制异味呢?


Pumping your grease trap is necessary regardless of any chemical maintenance you may practice. 正常水槽使用一段时间后, 有机物会积聚在你的隔油池里, 而且洗在水槽里太辛苦了. 这会导致难闻的气味,最终导致堵塞. When your grease trap gets to be about a quarter of the way full, it’s time to pump.


The most effective way to eliminate odors 和 prevent future backups is to practice preventative maintenance. 抽吸你的隔油池是必要的物理清除积聚, 但你可以更好地控制气味, 推迟抽血的需要, 和 prolong your grease trap’s life by also using preventative maintenance.

Grease trap maintainers are usually set up on a feed pump that dispenses the chemicals as frequently as 24/7. The chemicals then break down buildup in the grease trap 和 continue to do so all the way through your pipes from that point on.

如果你 使用细菌维持剂, 细菌菌落将雾分解到水和空气中,减少雾的积聚. 与此同时, 如果您使用其他维护者, 比如乳化剂, 堆积的物质会被液化,这样就很容易通过管道.

选择隔油池保养器时, 只是要根据你的消耗情况选择合适的类型. 对于标准情况, 任何类型的维护器都应该是有效的, so your choice will usually be based on price 和 the size of your facility. 然而,注意这一点很重要 bacterial grease trap maintainers should not be used in environments that utilize sanitizers or disinfectants.

Sanitizers 和 disinfectants kill bacteria, rendering your bacterial maintainers useless. 出于这个原因, 你不能, 例如, use bacterial grease trap maintainers in the grease traps of three-compartment sinks. 这些水槽在第三个隔间使用消毒液或消毒剂, 所以细菌维护者在这里根本不起作用. 类似的, don’t dump disinfectant from your mop buckets down a drain leading to a grease trap that uses a bacterial maintainer. 这会让你陷入同样的境地. 相反,在这些环境中使用另一种产品,如乳化剂.

现在就采取预防措施, you can eliminate your grease trap odors 和 lessen buildup before the issue exp和s into something worse. Be careful about the type of maintainer you choose, 和 you’ll be set for success.


To eliminate odors even more effectively, we recommend running hot water down your sink each night. Preventative maintainers are great at breaking down buildup—but they only break it down starting from where they enter the drain line. 通常情况下,这不是在水槽口,所以 食物在到达维护器之前仍可能在管道中凝结.

如果你往水槽里放热水, you’re loosening the buildup to prevent odors 和 issues further up the line, 哪个和处理你的隔油池一样重要.


问题是,如果你有隔油池的气味,那就说明有油脂堆积. 如果你不处理气味,你也没有处理堆积.

预防性维护是做到这一点的最好方法. 它将去除可能会吓跑顾客的难闻气味, but it will also remove the buildup in your grease trap 和 help the grease trap last longer. 你可能会想, “Why should I use chemical maintainers if I already regularly pump my grease trap?答案就是这样 抽水只能清除隔油池. All the buildup that gets through the grease trap, however, is now sitting in your drains.

Here is an example from a customer we worked with: This business pumped out their grease trap regularly but hadn’t used preventative maintainers in years. They were starting to notice slow-flowing water, so they wanted to start preventative maintenance. 在设置过程中, it was discovered that the business had one long pipe running under their floor that was backed up with years of buildup that had gotten through the grease trap. 它已经变得如此糟糕,以至于那条线开始腐烂, 几乎没有任何东西从管子的另一端出来. 如果这种腐烂继续下去,地板最终会塌陷.

The only issue the business noticed before seeking preventative maintenance was slow-flowing water. This just goes to show how massive issues can develop right under your nose. Imagine if this kind of rot developed in a pipe running under a parking lot. You’d have to hammer into the line to determine what was going on 和 treat it, 那就意味着要把停车场翻个底朝天. Preventative maintenance helps your business avoid the costly 和 destructive outcome of years of buildup. Learn more about the cost difference between pumping 和 grease trap maintenance.


所以,不健康的隔油池是有气味的,而且充满了堆积物. 但是一个健康的隔油池是什么样的呢?

一个健康的隔油池应该充满液体, 当看到它的时候, 你应该不会注意到任何固体. 水通常会被染色, 但如果是强烈的颜色, 比如明亮的橙色, 这是不正常. 类似的, if the water appears thick, that’s a sign that something is wrong.

Your Next Step: 泵油隔油池 Regularly 和 Invest in Preventative Maintenance

你想知道如何处理你的隔油池里的气味, 和 now you know that it’s just as much about treating odors as it is about preventing damaging buildup. 你的下一步是 从State Chemical了解隔油池化学品的价格 这样你就可以为你的设备和你的钱包找到合适的产品.