Liquid vs. 粉末泄放器

Liquid vs. 粉末泄放器
drain care

Liquid vs. 粉末泄放器

排水管开启器是用来疏通下水道的化学物质, 通常以液体或粉末的形式出现. 你现在正在处理下水道堵塞的头痛问题, so the last thing you want to do is become an internet sleuth just to figure out whether a liquid or a powder is best for you.

At State Chemical, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站生产和销售三种不同的化学排污器, 包括两个液体选项和一个颗粒选项. We understand that it can be hard to know what kind of drain opener is right for you, so we’ve written this article to examine the differences between liquid and powder so that you don’t have to.

After reading, you’ll know whether liquid chemicals or powder are better for your situation based on the following criteria:

  • Safety
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Severity of issue
  • Ease of use


Before anything else, let’s establish what we mean when we say liquid and powder drain openers.

液体排泄器可以是腐蚀性的或酸性的. 你把它们倒进下水道,在那里它们 will melt clogs if they are acidic or generate heat to push them through the pipeline if they are caustic.

Powder drain openers are more accurately referred to as granular drain openers since the particles are usually a bit too large to be classified as powder. 他们几乎总是 caustic rather than acid. 当您想要使用此选项时, you’ll scoop the recommended amount of powder out of the bottle and put it down your drain. It will 下沉到堵塞的源头并产生热量将堵塞排出.


Often, the biggest concern when it comes to chemicals is the obvious: how safe is this to use? When it comes to drain openers, this concern might also extend to your pipes.


For the user, powder drain openers are usually considered safer than liquid drain openers. 当你使用任何一种化学开水管器时, 当它到达木屐时,会产生化学反应. 如果你的开水管器是液态的,这个 反应有时是暴力的 since the liquid may splash back when it hits the clog (something a granular shouldn’t do since it has more weight). When this kind of splash back happens, it can burn your skin即使你穿着个人防护装备(PPE),.

On the other hand, 粉状化学品不会冒这种溅回的风险, 这意味着它们对使用者构成的危险较小. Additionally, 粉末在被弄湿之前是不会被激活的, so you usually aren’t at much risk if you accidentally come into contact with them while using.

然而,这只适用于化学品正确使用的情况. If granular drain openers are misused, you could risk serious injuries. Granular drain openers tend to be composed of sodium hydroxide, which generates heat when wet. If you use more than directed, this could generate harmful splash back like a liquid.

Additionally, if you get it wet before handling, you could end up with corrosive burns. It is also a bad idea to stand over the sink after using granular drain openers, 因为烟雾是有害的. Overall, 粒状泄水阀被认为比液体泄水阀更安全, 但你仍然需要谨慎,并按照产品说明.


至于它们对管道的影响, drain openers’ impact will depend on the specific ingredients used rather than their consistency. 大多数粉末泄放器不会对你的管道产生负面影响, 而是因为它们产生强烈的热量, they can sometimes crack porcelain when they don’t clear the drain quickly enough, 所以要谨慎使用.

However, when it comes to liquid drain openers, it depends on the chemicals used. If it’s sulfuric acid, yes, it could damage your pipes if they are older, rusted, or cast iron. However, if it’s a caustic, the liquid drain opener shouldn’t cause you any problems if used according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Generally, 只有在堵塞严重的情况下,你才应该使用酸性下水道清洁剂, 例如纸或棉木屐. So, if you’re choosing between liquid and powder drain openers and are worried about your pipes, either one should be fine as long as it’s a caustic rather than an acid.


Another important factor that comes into play when choosing a drain opener is naturally cost. 你当然想为你的工厂做出最好的决定, 但你们的设施也在节省开支.

Granular drain openers typically have a significantly higher upfront cost, ranging from $30-80 for one 20-ounce bottle whereas liquid drain openers fall in the range of $20-40 for one pint bottle. 如果你希望很少使用排水管开启器, 粒状排水管开启器的前期成本可能不值得.

However, 粒状泄水阀往往更经济. 通常,液体泄放器是用水稀释的 颗粒状泄水器含有更浓缩的成分. 这意味着你每次用的粉末比液体少,所以 你通常会得到更多的用途,从颗粒排水器 而不是液体.

例如,国家化学公司的腐蚀性排污开关是 Drain Rocket and Clear Out. Drain Rocket is a liquid drain opener that you’ll typically use one full pint bottle of to unclog a drain. Meanwhile, Clear Out是一种颗粒状的排水管开启器,每瓶有25次使用.

有了这么多的用途, 粒状开水管器的平均价格是2美元.20 per use. Meanwhile, since you’ll usually use a full pint of liquid drain opener with each use, 一个开液器平均每次使用30美元.

这取决于你想用多少开水管器, 任何一种选择都可能更具成本效益.


Whether you should use a liquid or granular drain opener also comes down to the severity of your drain clog.

Most Severe Clogs

For the most severe clogs, you’ll have to use an acid drain opener, which is almost always a liquid. 严重的下水道堵塞是由纸或棉花造成的, 比如你的住院医生冲床单或尿布.

Serious Clogs

对于比纸或棉布造成的严重阻塞, 颗粒状排水开启器是最好的选择. These can include thick blockages and cases where water won’t drain at all. If you have an oddly shaped drain or if there is standing water around your drain, putting a granular drain opener down a funnel can help it to most easily get to a clog. With liquid options, this is still possible but might be more difficult.

Moderate Clogs

对于中度木屐,最好是 使用腐蚀性的下水道开启器而不是酸. In this case, 颗粒状或液体泄放器应该都能工作. Typically, caustic drain openers are made of sodium hydroxide whether they’re liquid or granular. However, granular drain openers will have a more concentrated amount of sodium hydroxide, 所以它们的初始反应更强烈产生更多的热量. 两种选择都可以,但是 粒状泄水器可能更有效.

中度堵塞是由以下原因引起的 脂肪、油和润滑脂头发或其他有机物. 它可能包括缓慢的排水或完全堵塞.


One highlight of liquid drain openers is that they are easier to dose than granular drain openers. 在液体排泄器中, for example, the amount to pour down your drain might be a full bottle whereas granular drain openers will require more attention to measure.

很多人对液体泄放器也比较熟悉, so simply pouring some down the drain may be easier than gauging the right amount, especially since granular products are so concentrated that they pose a risk if too much is used. Plus, when you’re using a full bottle, you don’t have to worry about storing any leftover chemicals.

总结:如果成本效益和安全对你来说更重要, 选择一个颗粒式开水管器. 为了降低前期成本和易用性,请选择液体

在颗粒式和液体式排污器之间进行选择是很棘手的, especially because your situation isn’t necessarily the same as someone else’s. We’ve covered the benefits and limitations of each substance, and now you’re prepared to 探索最好的产品来疏通下水道.