Zero In™ Food 服务 Flying Insect Killer - 一箱12个气溶胶

Food 服务 Area Spray
项目# 128775 - 12

Zero In™ Food 服务 Flying Insect Killer - 一箱12个气溶胶

Food 服务 Area Spray
项目# 128775 - 12
  • 没有残留
  • 排斥昆虫
  • 接触致死


Zero In™ Food 服务 Flying Insect Killer contains the quick killing botanical insecticide pyrethrum, an extract of the Chrysanthemum flower, which provides effective elimination of insects upon direct contact. Pyrethrum also gives the added benefit of repelling these insects to aid in more complete control.

Zero In Food 服务 Flying Insect Killer leaves no residual - so it is appropriate for use in food service areas.

Zero In Food 服务 Flying Insect Killer is effective product for flying insect control. Effectively as a fly killer, gnats, stable flies, house flies, horse flies.

Zero In Food 服务 Flying Insect Killer is great for use in animal holding areas, 动物季度, 谷仓, 牛肉谷仓, 装瓶厂, buildings housing animals or poultry, 产犊谷仓, 工厂装, 商业建筑, 火葬场, 乳制品谷仓, 奶牛场, dried fruit 存储区域, 垃圾桶里, 工厂, 农业结构, food processing plants, 食品储藏区, 殡仪馆, 垃圾桶, 养羊区, 谷仓, 粮食存储, 猪圈, 马的马厩, 酒店, 工厂, 机构, 狗窝, 厨房, livestock holding areas, 懈怠了, 陵墓, 牛奶的房子, 牛奶的房间, 牛奶了, 挤奶的房间, 停尸, 宠物睡眠区, 家禽的房子, 铁路车辆, 餐厅, 水稻磨坊, 种子存储, 牧羊区, 船只, 马厩, 存储区域, 存储产品, 超市, 猪的房子, 影院, 烟草仓库, 预告片, 树坚果储藏区, 卡车, 实用的房间, 兽医诊所, 仓库, 洗手间, 小麦碾磨机.



General Precautions and Restrictions: Remove or cover exposed food and drinking water before application. 取出或盖上盘子, 餐具, food processing equipment, and food preparation surfaces, or wash them before use. Do not use in aircraft cabins. Do not enter or allow others to enter treated area until sprays have dried. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. Do not apply directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to storm sewers, 水体, or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application. For most effective results, follow directions for specific use areas.

SHAKE BEFORE USE AND AT INTERVALS DURING PROLONGED USE. Hold container upright with nozzle pointing away from face. Press valve down and spray as directed.

SPACE TREATMENT INDOORS: FOR USE IN FOOD AND NON-FOOD AREAS OF FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS AND FOOD HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS, 工业 Installations, 面包店, 大米和小麦碾磨机, 餐厅, 烟草仓库, 谷仓, and Warehouses: Spray as directed to control listed flying insects. Do not make space spray applications when facility is in operation. Prior to space spray applications, cover or remove food. Prior to space spray applications, cover food processing surfaces or clean after treatment and before use. 为了达到最佳效果, close all 门 and windows, turn off fans and air conditioner, and spray upward into center of room with slow, 全面的运动. Spray 5-10 seconds for average size room [1,000 cubic feet] [10 ft. X 12英尺. X 8英尺.]. Keep room closed for 15 minutes after spraying. Ventilate room for 5 minutes before entry.

SPACE TREATMENT OUTDOORS: Do not make applications during rain. Do not wet plants to the point of runoff or drip. Do not water the treated area to the point of run-off. All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or crack-and-crevice treatments only, except for the following permitted uses: (1) Treatment to soil or 植被 around structures; (2) Applications to lawns, 的地盘, and other 植被; (3) Applications to building foundations, up to to a maximum height of 3 feet. Other than applications to building foundations, all outdoor applications to impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, 车道, 天井, 门廊 and structural surfaces (such as windows, 门, and eaves) are limited to spot and crack-and-crevice applications only.

蚊子, 蚊虫, 苍蝇, and FLYING INSECT CONTROL: Use prior to entry out门 to reduce annoyance from these and other flying pests. 喷洒在庭院周围, 门廊, 凉亭, 灌木, 植被, and any other listed areas where these insects may rest. For best results, treat when wind velocity does not exceed 5 miles per hour.

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