成本比较:紧急水管工vs. 预防性排水管维修

成本比较:紧急水管工vs. 预防性排水管维修

成本比较:紧急水管工vs. 预防性排水管维修

It can be tempting to just deal with drain problems when they arise rather than invest in preventative maintenance. After all, how do you know there’s an issue in your drain if you don’t see one? 但如果你等到一个严重的问题出现,事实是 an emergency plumber costs more than preventative drain maintenance.

State Chemical has provided chemical solutions, such as drain maintainers, to businesses since 1911. We’ve seen a wide range of situations 和 what it costs businesses to treat drains reactively rather than proactively.

To give you an underst和ing of what an emergency plumber will cost as compared to regular preventative drain maintenance, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站花时间制定了标准的行业定价. 在阅读, you’ll know the cost difference between emergency plumbers 和 preventative drain maintenance so that you can make the most cost-effective decision for your facility.



一些可能性包括 水槽溢出,管道破裂,腐蚀, 所有这些都可能是由年龄和积聚的 脂肪、油和润滑脂 和其他有机物.

Every time you wash your h和s, for example, your body oil 和 soap scum go down the drain, 粘在你的管道上,就像动脉里的东西. Just imagine the same buildup from food debris 和 grease when your staff does the dishes. 慢慢地但肯定地,这将形成一个障碍.

A st和ard clog doesn’t need to be an issue for an emergency plumber on its own. 如果你有一个简单的木屐,a 排水管蛇或开水管器 应该能胜任这份工作. The problem arises when this kind of buildup is collected over years 和 years.

也许你每次遇到问题都能处理得很顺利. 但堵塞并不总能从排水口到达. 另外, 如果你用排水蛇, it’s likely that “fixing” clogs has pushed the buildup further down the drain, 最终形成了一个难以触及的木屐.

If this goes on for long enough, with water still barely managing a way through, your clog can get so long 和 condensed that even a drain opener can’t burn through it.


These kinds of clogs will completely stop your water flow 和 may rot your pipes if left untreated. 到那时为止, you’ll need a plumber to drill into the line just to remove the clog, 如果你的管道漏水或腐烂, 你将负责管道维修和更换, 哪些会对你的设施造成破坏. 根据问题的位置,这种情况只会恶化.g.(地板下的线路比隐藏的线路更难修复).


这种伤害是时间敏感的 否则情况只会更糟,所以 与一般的水管工相比,紧急水管工是必不可少的. Unfortunately, emergency plumbing tends to be more expensive than st和ard plumbing.

考虑价格, 你首先需要考虑人工费, 哪些是明显高于标准管道工作. An emergency plumber will be around $150–400 per hour (compared to st和ard plumbing costs at $50–$120 per hour).

然后,你还得考虑材料的价格. 根据您的管道损坏的严重程度,您的选择是 管道修理、管道重衬或管道更换.

For a st和ard repair, like fixing a leak or removing a clog, it will cost $150–4,000, 取决于严重性和管道的可访问性.

与此同时, if you choose to reline your pipe, it will cost $50–$250 per foot of linear piping. So, the materials to reline a 25-foot section of piping, for example, will cost $1,250–6,250.

Pipe replacement is usually the most expensive option of the three depending on how much piping needs to be replaced. 然而, it will often be your only choice in severe circumstances. 管道更换费用为0美元.每线性英尺50 - 20美元 这取决于你用什么材料. 更换管道后, you’ll also need to pay a city inspection fee ($100–$500) 和 a permit fee ($100–$500).

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站再想象一下,你需要更换25英尺长的管道. 如果不包括人工费用,更换将花费你212美元.50–$1,500. In these situations, pipe replacement is actually cheaper than pipe relining. 然而, 加上人工费, 需要修理的管道就越多, 更换的费用比更换的费用高.

This is a lot of math to break down, so let’s dive into a hypothetical scenario:

你是一所大学视觉艺术大楼的大楼管理员. Dozens of classes are held every day, including woodworking, painting, 和 sculpting classes. 这么多年来,你们工厂都没用过下水道维修员,所以 下水道里充满了木屑、油画颜料和粘土. The drains start slowing down for a while, but one day, your phone starts blowing up with calls: the entire building’s drains are backing up, 和 smelly water is spilling all over the floor.

自然, 你打电话给紧急管道工, 和 you find out that the drain line is severely backed up to the point that drain snakes 和 drain openers are ineffective. 你不仅需要更换管道, 但是问题区域就在校园主走道的正下方. 这要花你多少钱?

水管工会通知你的 需要更换40英尺的管道(20 - 800美元) 这将会发生 40小时更换(6000 - 16000美元). 加上检查和许可证费用, 这项工作总共需要6220美元到17800美元. 你还需要把修理人行道的费用考虑进去, 将教学楼内的班级迁移至少一周, 和 lost business since the repairs will block off routes to campus dining.

As you can see, repair costs add up quickly, 和 once there’s a problem, replacements will be 侵入性和破坏性 你的财产.


随着时间的推移, not using preventative maintenance is incredibly destructive to your drain, 但是什么时候应该使用预防性排水维护?

答案是 总是. Preventative maintenance shouldn’t hurt your pipes if you aren’t using harsh chemicals, 所以你的排水管总是可以从照顾中受益.

例如,如果你的排水管看到很多雾积聚, you’ll want preventative maintenance to break up the FOGs 和 organics before they cause clogs 还有其他问题,比如视觉艺术建筑的例子. 然而, 即使你的建筑没有看到过多的雾, 随着时间的推移,雾仍然会在排水管中积聚, 需要无功维护.

此外, even if your drain is infrequently used, preventative maintenance for dry drains will benefit you. 排水管不经常使用时, 它们不能持续获得所需的水量, meaning that sewer gases may waft up from the drains since there is no water to seal off the odors. 在这些情况下, you’ll want to use a special drain maintainer for dry drains to slow water evaporation 和 stop these odors from occurring.

基本上,如果你有一个排水管,你可以使用排水管维护器. 你不用用,但是 you’re 总是 choosing between preventative 和 reactive maintenance with drains. And with preventative maintenance, you’re saving yourself money 和 time in the long run.



It depends on which specific product you use 和 how much you use at once, but 一般来说,下水道维修费用为0美元.20–$1.每盎司10美元. 如果你使用 每周16盎司, 这会让你付出代价 $12.80–$70.每月40美元和153美元.60–$844.每年80英镑.

您使用的数量将根据您的设施需求而变化,价格会根据选择的产品而有所不同, 但无论如何,这是 significantly cheaper than the major repairs you’d seek out from an emergency plumber.

In Sum: 预防性排水管维修 Saves Your Wallet in the Long Run

在你不了解的问题上花钱是很困难的, but the cost of not doing preventative maintenance adds up in the eventual expense of an emergency plumber. 你现在知道一个紧急水管工会给你的设施造成多大的损失了, 所以为了避免这些潜在的开支, consider the cost of a drain maintenance contract with State Chemical.