


Preventative drain maintenance prevents clogs and associated issues, 比如溢出. While you likely know that you don’t want your drains to overflow, it can be challenging to tell whether preventative drain maintenance is worth the investment.

At State Chemical, we develop, manufacture, and distribute chemicals that prevent drain issues. When we put these chemicals down a customer’s drain regularly, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站帮助客户防止大多数排水问题.

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站认识到,就像生活中的一切一样, there are pros and cons to preventative drain maintenance. This article will review the pros and cons we have learned through our 112 years of experience.

Pro: Preventative 下水道维修 Prevents Cast Iron Pipes from Rotting

老建筑里经常有铸铁管. When cast iron pipes have a clog, that clog can deteriorate the pipe. The fats, oils, and greases (“FOGs”) in the clog cause the cast iron to rust. The more the pipe rusts, the worse the pipe structure becomes. In a worst-case scenario, the FOGs can rust a hole into the pipe.

因此, 适用于有铸铁管的建筑物, a major pro of preventative drain maintenance is that it prevents the pipes from rusting and deteriorating. The preventative drain maintenance prevents clogs that would have otherwise adversely impacted the pipe structure. Preventative drain maintenance will help maintain the integrity of a cast iron pipe.

然而,这个优点并不适用于PVC制成的管道. 大多数新建筑中都有聚氯乙烯管. While having a clog in a PVC pipe can lead to other issues, PVC管不会因为堵塞而变质.

下水道堵塞示意图. 该图描绘了一个

Pro: Preventative 下水道维修 Prevents Most Clogs and Overflows

Proactive drain maintenance prevents most clogs and their associated issues, 比如溢出, 恶臭, 排水沟里的苍蝇. Preventative drain maintenance will help avoid most worst-case scenarios. 例如, dialysis centers contain drains next to patient chairs and beds. Dialysis treatment requires drains to dispose of bodily fluids and the dialysate used in dialysis treatment.

One dialysis center used preventative drain maintenance to avoid drain flies. However, after remodeling, they felt that such preventative drain maintenance was unnecessary. 他们的下水道很快就堵塞了,引来了下水道苍蝇. Patients were swarmed with drain flies during their treatments. Patients who were sitting for dialysis treatment had to fight off drain flies each time they came in for treatment. 护士和病人都很痛苦.

They cleared the clog that attracted the drain flies and then went back to using preventative drain maintenance. Once they started regular preventative maintenance, they never again faced a drain fly issue.

Con: Preventative 下水道维修 Cannot Stop All Clogs

While preventative drain maintenance can prevent most clogs, it cannot prevent all of them. 有些东西, 把它扔进下水道, 会导致排水管堵塞吗, 即使你正在使用预防性维护. 例如, if someone puts a rag down the drain, that rag 会导致排水管堵塞吗. This is often seen in senior living communities where individuals will flush diapers and wipes down the toilet. These diapers and wipes can cause a clog, even if the drain lines are being treated.

Con: Preventative 下水道维修 Involves an Upfront Cost

预防性排水维护涉及前期费用. You must pay for the chemicals and equipment necessary to treat your drains. 这个成本取决于各种因素, 比如你使用的化学药品, 处理下水道所需的化学物质的数量, 以及你正在处理的排水管的数量.

Pro: Preventative 下水道维修 Can Save Money in the Long Run

Preventative drain maintenance can be thought of as insurance. 像保险, while you must pay for preventative drain maintenance upfront, 从长远来看,这通常会为你省钱.

To determine if preventative drain maintenance will save you money, we recommend comparing the cost of preventative maintenance with the cost of using reactive drain openers to clear clogs and the cost of issues if something goes wrong with your drains.

例如, in a senior community in Chicago that was not using preventative drain maintenance, 有人把披萨面团扔下水道了. This pizza dough clogged the drain line and backed up the drain system. 老年人社区不得不叫来紧急水管工. 水管工花了他们3000美元. 对于老年人来说, preventative drain maintenance could have prevented this issue and saved them the call to the emergency plumber.

 Image stating the pros and cons of preventative drain maintenance.  The pros listed are: prevents cast iron pipes from rotting, 防止大多数堵塞和溢出, 而且可以长期省钱. The cons listed are: cannot stop all clogs and involves an upfront cost.

In Summary: Preventative 下水道维修 Has Pros and Cons

Preventative drain maintenance can preserve the integrity of cast iron pipes, 防止堵塞及其相关问题, 从长远来看可以帮你省钱. 另一方面, preventative drain maintenance involves an upfront cost and cannot prevent all clogs.

很多人都有 对使用预防性排水维护的关注. If you have resolved these concerns and decided to use proactive 排泄护理, your next step is to choose which preventative drain product is right for you.